Category Archives: Office 365 (2)

The Basics of Effectively Scheduling Meetings with Microsoft Teams

The Basics of Effectively Scheduling Meetings with Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is a great way to schedule meetings, especially if the participants don’t all work in the same geographic area. It seamlessly integrates scheduling, invitations, updates, and access to virtual meetings. This might sound a bit complicated, but once you know the basics of scheduling in Microsoft Teams you’ll find it to be, not just […]

Tips To Have Microsoft Outlook Play By The Rules

Using Rules To Organize Your Outlook 2016 Inbox

The purpose of Rules in Microsoft Outlook is to help you […]

Microsoft Workplace Analytics (Research/Insight)

Microsoft Workplace Analytics (Research/Insight)

Microsoft Workplace Analytics For Empowering The Time Management Of Teams

Simplify Your Workday With These Office 365 Updates for July 2018

Simplify Your Workday With These Office 365 Updates for July 2018

Microsoft is always looking for great ways to make your workflow easier. That’s why they continuously update their products. The July 2018 updates to Office 365 are especially unique and should prove to be very helpful to users.

How to Set Up a Microsoft Bookings Site (Questions/Answers)

How to Set Up a Microsoft Bookings Site (Questions/Answers)

If you own a small business that deals in offering services to the public, scheduling appointments is often part of your daily routine. You may find yourself playing phone tag so much that you sometimes lose focus on your clients. Being a small business, you may have to double up as the chief administrator and financial officer, as well as the […]

Work from Anywhere Using Microsoft Office 365 Apps

Work from Anywhere Using Microsoft Office 365 Apps

Have you ever been in a position where you are supposed to work on an assignment or important document but you forgot your laptop or cannot access your desktop? That can be frustrating, but thanks to Microsoft, as long as you can access the internet on your phone or even tablet, you can easily resume working on your assignment. Microsoft 365 is […]

Microsoft Reveals Innovative Features for Its New Outlook 2018

Microsoft Reveals Innovative Features for Its New Outlook 2018

The new features in Outlook are designed to help users save time and be more productive. Since we spend so much time writing and answering emails, this is one area where most of us would love to be able to get done faster. Microsoft designed Outlook with lots of thought and effort. In addition, they add exciting features every year or so. They […]

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