Author Archives: Lucas Miller

Tech Jargon - A Primer for Non-Techies

Tech Jargon - A Primer for Non-Techies

Technology is changing on us all the time, and the lingo of IT professionals with all its acronyms and buzzwords can certainly feel like some sort of gibberish secret code for anyone outside the field. Terms like API, blockchain, and EDR/MDR/XDR can easily leave non-techies joining the convo a little lost in translation.

Maximizing Return - Assessing the ROI of IT Investments

Maximizing Return - Assessing the ROI of IT Investments

As businesses strive to stay ahead of the competition, investing in IT projects is a key element to success. The benefits of investing in technology are vast and significant - resulting in valuable outcomes such streamlined operations, improved efficiency, and an increase in customer reach. With each of these investments businesses need to be […]

Why is the Network So Slow and How Do I Fix It?

Why is the Network So Slow and How Do I Fix It?

A sluggish network is a formidable hurdle for any business, regardless of size or industry. So much depends on its reliability and performance, and disrupting users is a quick way to build frustration that can spill over quickly. So making sure your companies backbone is solid is key to keeping the communication, collaboration, and data flowing.

What to Do Your When Data is Lost

What to Do Your When Data is Lost

Data is the lifeblood of most businesses operations, driving the decision-making process and strategic planning. So safeguarding this invaluable asset should be one of the top priorities, and part of that is understanding what causes data loss and adopting the right approach to properly mitigate against it.

2023 Cybersecurity Year in Review!

2023 Cybersecurity Year in Review!

As we move into a shiny, new, and exciting 2024, we think it’s important to reflect on everything we saw along the way this past year. Namely, a continued surge in cybersecurity incidents which regularly demonstrated the challenges we all face and the importance of persistence in combating evolving risks.

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