adNET Academy Blog

Why is the Network So Slow and How Do I Fix It?

Written by Lucas Miller | Feb 13, 2024 8:00:00 PM

A sluggish network is a formidable hurdle for any business, regardless of size or industry. So much depends on its reliability and performance, and disrupting users is a quick way to build frustration that can spill over quickly. So making sure your companies backbone is solid is key to keeping the communication, collaboration, and data flowing.

Unfortunately there's not always a neon sign hung right over the problem so here are some common culprits behind network issues and potential solutions to keep you operating at full potential.

Outdated Network Hardware

Now, sometimes it is easy enough to trace your network issues back to the box. Keeping older switches, routers, cabling, etc., for too long while technology continues to evolve, and the user experience places higher demands on it, will have you struggling to keep up. Keeping an inventory of your devices and upgrading when appropriate will help ensure you have the necessary speed and reliability.

Bandwidth Limitations

Having bottlenecks in your network, often caused by limited device throughput or bandwidth, is a significant roadblock. Undersized equipment like routers and switches or cheaping out on the service you get from your ISP will lead to congestion as everything gets in line to move around the building or get in/out. Again, keeping tabs on what the organization is using and how that need has grown, then upgrading when appropriate will improve your outcome.

Excessive Devices Connected

"The more, the merrier" doesn't apply here. If employees are hopping on the wireless to watch content on their lunch break, or you've setup a guest wireless without any limitations, it's going to drag the whole organization down. And that's not to mention possible security issues with having so many unmanaged devices on the network, or if there isn't any separation between guest and internal networks!

Malware or Viruses

Malicious software or viruses can infiltrate and spread throughout your network, causing disruptions and compromising performance. Making sure you've kept systems up-to-date, implemented robust security solutions, and encouraged employees to get educated on cybersecurity best practices are essential for reducing the risks of malware and viruses.

Incorrect Network Configurations

Plug and play? Probably not - keeping the out-of-the-box settings on your network devices will leave your network inefficient and insecure. Make sure to eliminate any default settings related to the username/password, and then implement options like Quality of Service (QoS) to assign priority to certain traffic, VLANs to keep your networks separated (so guests can't accidentally see your files), and throttling to keep guest users from eating up all your bandwidth.

Software and Applications

Resource-intensive apps can strain your network, especially when everyone is in the office running all the things at the same time, and especially so if you're still using some of those outdated devices mentioned above. Also, keeping apps up-to-date isn't just about regular security updates, but making sure your org isn't using ancient versions of software that rely on inefficient tech, making it seem like the network is slow when really it's just not able to take advantage of everything you've given it.

Unreliable Internet

Cloud, cloud, cloud - put everything in the cloud, it's so easy! Well keep in mind that users are going to be pretty disappointed when every action they take has to travel in and out of the building via slow, old internet service because you're in a rural area or you haven't checked in with your ISP since 2010. Check back in now and then to make sure you're getting what you need, a lot of times you might end up with something better for the same or less because the tech has progressed so much

Empower Your Network - A Seamless Future Awaits!

Understanding and addressing the various factors contributing to network issues and slowdowns is pivotal for maintaining a robust and efficient business network that can keep your users happy. Whether it's upgrading hardware, managing bandwidth, optimizing configurations, the investment in network health will pay dividends in enhanced productivity and seamless operations.